英国人很有自我调侃的精神尤其是拿政府开涮绝不含糊各种交易妥协谋求私利其实在哪种政治体制下面都是存在的miss a touch只是多与少、明目张胆与偷偷摸摸、有没有制衡机制的区别
Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Things happen only a certain number of times, and a small number really. How many times will you remember an afternoon of your childhood and afternoon so deeply a part of you that you cann't be without it? Yet it all seems limitless
卧槽这编剧绝了期待瑞克用相同的方式整死尼根 第八集最后的音乐很抒情但是感觉很燃 尤金这是要逆袭啊miss a touch这个世界会吹牛果然有用 最后一集总算是给了我们点希望 不知不觉已经追《一键成名》7年了自己都不敢相信这也是我第一次从第一集就开始追的剧